Michelle not RAAT
my Dian Hendrayana
Asa night very. Michelle can she rang. Language is Lilir,
karérét my brother for ngajanteng close window.
Hordeng up accidentally disingraykeun. Maybe they
laluasa looked outward. Right hand she nyampay
into sarigsig. Although not bright, light from kebeh
game wasa telling my brother to alum hesitates.
From last night still, my brother would get up
pangabetah on the map as such. Especially during
the night Lantis by Michelle now, he always
ngajanteng near the window, looked out. It is
always while ngembeng tear.
One victim had not approachable, asked why the pace of
what. The answer is majar to see what.
"What Hawatos kahujanan in the game," he explained.
viewed again, he woke up he's going to need to
look at the game that majar What is ngajanteng bees
there. Sometimes it is a long time. The person, before Michelle rang my
building Cadu too must quickly moving from near
the window you will click pangsaréan.
Ari night now, my brother is ngajanteng again
close the window. Bee cheeks appear she is
shiny parts tear the flowing no reureuhna.
Michelle outside can still rang anyway.
Pirajeuneun me down from pangsaréan. Then
click closer to him. Sarérétan understand the unknown,
bees interpreter they are still remnants of tear, ngeyembeng
up the waiting off.
From start to bowl, no proof of dibeberah and dililipur,
confused is up no end. His horses,
everyone there that do not feel abandoned duheulang What language
is. Not sick is not late here, what got Leah requested
by the Lord. I sit for a binding balakécrakan
satutas sambéang JMC, What ngarumpuyuk collapsed. Never
look to us before he left after saying
lapad God.
it is viewed, my brother still hit mencrong the
game. Tatadi not understand that users are the other tree
nuts and iron fence is. That is, although he lights from
kebeh game is not too bright, GE, would be covered no users
or perhaps there is Don ngulampreng Rumingkang.
"Hawatos What kahujanan in the game ...," he explained again.
Ema so is his. Since what returns itself, Ema is
not very kabéragan. Almost every time Ema need any surgical
tear. Tuga understand what ngerelekna in lahunan anjeunnna
very. Even Ema you wake it participates
add lapad God. "Lailahaillalloh ..."
Bet allowing, Ema
Sok rajeun appear numpi ngalangeu in the room. Ana
forbidden visit during feeding season, is Walon can
hararayang or click mariksakeun why brother
and I have or not?
Outside, Michelle lost hope more often. Although some of my
very window. Seah sound bet tones messages
from What kaanggangan, "Each Bleket horsemen worship for
bawaeun return ... "
Ari reret, my brother lost to ngagukguk yes, cimatana
off the raindrops outside the murubut after points from
the top of the sky.
"What I did not keresaeun go to earth ...? "he is.
Disérangkeun to the game, the way it would be anybody.
Lost Michelle increasingly longer and more often alone. My brother still
living ngajanteng close the window. Leugeunna more firmly
ngaranggeuman sarigsig. And heard again inghakna more
rosa alone. Sometimes gives mobile shoulder of holding
piceurikeun boa very highly.
Not long from that, he returned to look for me.
Mencrong long.
"What I did not go wasted?" and follow it.
Kari I gained aching. Disérangkeun back to the game,
there are constant users. After releasing the hands
of sarigsig, only deregdeg she was broken to the outside of the
room while he nelenyeng click on the front door.
When followed acceleration, prog bet is ulceration Ema
has ngajanteng bees. Boa is tatadi Ema
ngajantengna is. Annona gives false carindul.
Cimatana she gugurilapan katojo by light from kebeh
Sajongjongan I still look to me anyway.
"bring in paying back to what ...," and follow
the apparent DAREUDA.
When viewed again, Ema like that can not ngabedahkeun again
cimatana. You may not only be segruk Ema Trinidad chair in
the middle of the room while he nyaluuh nginghak.
But even know my brother ceurikna surgery once. Michelle
my grief when Raat.
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